
experior, ergo sum

About me

Welcome to my website where I attempt to document my hobbies, tinkerings, and researches. As an amateur, I enjoy reading and thinking about physics and mathematics. As a researcher, I am interested in both theoretical and applied problems of control and estimation theory. Here are some ideas and problems that I am studying and/or thinking about in my own time.

I am genuinely astounded by, as Eugene Wigner put it, The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics as the language of nature. This is the reason I enjoy the software implementations of theoretical ideas. I have a passion for embedded systems and enjoy the processes involved; breadboard prototyping, PCB design, and writing embedded firmware.

I enjoy writing memos about the problems that I work on, both as hobbyist and a professional. Most of these memos can be found here. However, I must warn you that, unlike my blog posts, many of them may be incomplete and/or in utter disarray. Practically all of my blog posts are first read and edited by my wife before I publish them. She does a really great job of finding faults in my line of reasoning and judging if the content is fit for readers before I publish them.

It took some time for me to realize that modern tools and methods of web design are too complex for me to understand and maintain, so I decided to go bare minimum which seems to serve my purpose (hopefully it does to the reader too).