welcome, स्वागतम्, willkommen
experior, ergo sum
I am Rishav (ऋषभ). Welcome to my website where I attempt to document my hobbies, tinkerings, and researches. As an amateur, I enjoy reading and thinking about physics and mathematics. As a researcher, I am interested in both theoretical and applied problems of control and estimation theory. I am genuinely astounded by, as Eugene Wigner put it, The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics as the language of nature. This is the part of reason I enjoy the software implementations of theoretical and mathematical ideas. I have a passion for embedded systems and enjoy the processes involved; breadboard prototyping, PCB design, and writing embedded firmware.
I write blogs. This is the main reason why I maintain this website in the first place. I must emphasize that I write as a student and do not pretend to be a professional in the field. I have my own growing list of ideas and problems that I like to study and think about in my own time. Writing about them gives me a reason to study in detail and prevents me from fooling myself with a false pretense of understanding the topic. Indeed, it is when writing for a third person that one realizes how much one does not know. Practically every blog post is first read and edited by my wife, Sriza, before I consider it ready for publication. She does an excellent job of finding faults in my line of reasoning and judging whether the content is suitable for readers.
It took some time for me to realize that modern tools and methods of web design are too complex for me to understand and maintain, so I decided to go bare minimum which seems to serve my purpose (hopefully it does to the reader too). I would appreciate if you write to me if what I write matches your own line of research; either as a feedback or to point errors.
I am interested in the theoretical study of control systems and estimation theory through the lens of differential geometry. This involves analyzing dynamical systems where state vectors are treated as elements of a configuration space (manifolds), rather than as elements of a vector space. Within these manifolds, I aim to study control systems and the propagation of random variables, driven by the aspiration to understand the generalization of control systems and Kalman Filters.